A Tribute to Dylan

Hello readers, In light of recent events ( Bob Dylan being awarded the Nobel Prize for literature),it is only fair to dedicate this post as a tribute to him. Before I start listing a few of his sensational songs,let us know a bit more about this legendary man. He was born in Minnesota,U.S. in May 24,1941 as " Robert Allen Zimmerman " . In the 60's his works gained massive popularity as they documented social unrest,and his songs like Blowin' in the Wind and The Times They Are a-Changin' became American Civil Rights anthems . Below are a few of his masterpieces for you to listen.Get into it and say hello to nostalgia. Knocking on Heaven's Doo r To Fall In Love With You Like a Rolling Stone Mr. Tambourine Man Tangled Up In Blue Things Have Changed Not Dark Yet Thunder On The Mountain Man Of Constant Sorrow Don't Think Twice,It's All Right That's a wrap.See you soon. Until...