DISCOVER WITH ME(Totally Rad content inside)

Hey lovely readers, it's been a while. Once in a blue moon I stumble across a non-mainstream band or musicians who happen to be seriously talented/underrated,and that has happened again very recently. True to the very reason I started this blog (highlighting non-mainstream talent) ,i'm using this post to bring to your attention a very talented group of artists from England- The Roy Rad Band . Their songs will make you very nostalgic if you've grown up in the pop punk era,and if you haven't heard much of pop punk music you are about to discover a whole new world. Either way you're in for a treat! Unlike lots of contemporary artists,they write their own songs and compose their own music,which just makes them all the more authentic. Linked below are two of their albums, Radical and London Town . My personal favourite is London Town ( from London Town ) because it gives me immensely positive vibes whenever I'm listening to it (which is pretty...